Numerous passages in the King James Bible mention angels flying. 在圣经中有许多章节都提到飞行的天使。
Chapter four. The King James Bible or let there be light reading. 第四章,钦定版《圣经》或曰要有消遣读物。
This essay tries to discuss the language features of the King James Bible briefly. 文章阐述了商务英语信函的写作格式、写作原则及语言特点。
The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible, Dryden, and Burke; 复数用法可以在规范的原始资料如詹姆士圣经、德莱顿以及伯克的作品中发现。
On stylistic features of syntactical structure in the King James Bible 从句法结构看钦定本《圣经》的文体特征
Customers can choose between the traditional King James version of the bible or more up-to-date translations. 用户可以选择由金·詹姆士翻译的传统的《圣经》版本或其它更新的版本。
King James did not literally translate the Bible but it was his authorization that was legally necessary for the Church of England to translate, publish and distribute the Bible in England. 国王詹姆斯没有字面翻译圣经,但他的授权,在法律上要为英国教会的翻译,出版和发行圣经在英国。
By reference to some modern English versions of the Bible, the present paper makes a sampling survey and analysis of the syntactical structure in the King James Bible. 以现代英译本《圣经》为参照,对“钦定本”中句法结构的运用进行了抽样考察与分析。